All our services are tailored around every individual as we know not everyone's needs are the same.
Cleaning / washing
Picking up prescriptions
Helping to get to appointments
These are just a few of our services to assist. .
• Getting ready for the day •
We can assist with making sure loved ones have had breakfast and a cup of tea and all is good - peace of mind for family .
• Shopping & food preparation •
Our team of fantastic girls can either do shopping or assist in taking loved ones to the shop. We can also prepare meals and cook.
• Companionship •
Our girls are a fantastic bunch and love to get to know our clients - company and a cake and a good chat is always good and it helps in so many of our clients to just have someone there, new face - different chat all helps to keep your family member contented.
• Enjoying socal events •
Some of our clients like to get out but when family's are busy with work etc it's hard to find time - We can lend a loving hand by escorting loved ones to a trip round shops maybe a cup of tea - cinema - or a trip to the local garden centre.